Woke up Saturday morning to another beautiful day. (Sorry to you folks who are still digging out!) So we went walking again.
We are still figuring out the wonderful transportation system here. So far, when we didn"t want to walk someplace we have taken the subway- very easy, comes often and is quiet and clean. Takes us about 1-15 minutes to walk to a stop. So today we walked in the other direction (only about 2 blocks) and found a bus that took us directly to Rich's school- the Technical University. Later we took a tram back, so the options are really many.
We first went to the Secession, which is right near the school. There are two small exhibits- one pretty conceptual that left us cold, and the other downstairs where the artist created a "swinger's club" that one can actually patronize in the evenings, to go along with the suggestive "Beethoven's Frieze" in the basement. (Not sure that Rich and I will be there when it is operative, but you never know!) So it turns out that the advertizing banners on the front are part of one of the exhibits, but I am not really sure how!
Anyway, the building is better than what was inside! It is really amazing and between the golden leaves on top and the ornament on the walls, it truly stands out!
Then I had to show Rich the Nacshmarket. On Saturday there is also a flea market that goes on forever- more junk per square inch than you can believe. We had a great falafel and had to buy some bread, cheese, spices and veggies. It's all so tempting, with lots of fresh stuff and organics.
After that, we took the tram around the Ringstrasse, for a self guided tour. So we are beginning to learn the trams and busses too, which is all really convenient.
Got home late afternoon to find this beautiful view out the window of our apartment. Notice the full moon over the stadium in the distance.
In the foreground is our neighboring church tower, and beyond that is the soccer field.
More tomorrow.